To write a classification essay, you need to divide objects or phenomena into groups, based on some principle. Choosing a classification essay topic is easy. All you need is:
- Choose an object or phenomenon;
- Discuss different types of it;
- Make sure that your classification is based on the same principle.
For example, if you decide to write about college freshmen, you can classify them according to their attitude to study: overstressed, properly motivated and indifferent. Or, you may want to classify them according to the level of their assimilation: homesick, struggling to assimilate and the ones forgetting to call Mom. It’s important not to mix up different classifications.
🌀 15 Interesting Classification Essay Topics
- What are the causes of political apathy?
- Unexpected factors that affect sleep.
- What drives population growth in the world?
- Critics and supporters of marijuana.
- Great ways to quit smoking, according to scientists.
- The motives behind political careers.
- How to get skills for the 21st century?
- Factors that increase the risk of heart disease.
- Types of students in college.
- Types of restaurants in Southeast Asia.
- Types of extracurricular activities.
- Ways to pay off tuition debt.
- Options for obtaining investment for businesses.
- Types of social advertising.
- Differences in the nationality of Africans.
✨ Classification Essay Topics to Sparkle Interest
- Teachers
- Qualitites of good roommates
- Differenet ways to take lecture notes
- Student jobs
- Methods for efficient studying for exams
- Early morning classes
- Addictions
- College parties
- Students at college parties
- Textbooks
- Breakfasts
- Weekends
- Classmates
- College sports
- Football fans.
🍂 Classification Essay Topics to Inspire You
- The best pets for elderly
- Passengers in a bus
- Visitors of a concert
- Selfies
- Best vacation destinations
- Music for studying
- Hobbies
- Makeups
- Top Youtube videos
- Facebook users
- Facebook statuses
- Siblings
- Readers
- Gender roles in a family
- Phobias.
😀 Classification Essay Topics to Have Fun
- Movies
- Popular songs
- Actors
- Dog owners
- Fraternities/ sororities
- Bosses
- Students’ diets
- Students’ budgets
- Breakups
- Lies
- Anecdotes
- Cheaters at an exam
- Most annoying ads
- Reasons for oversleeping
- Reasons for pulling an all-nighter
- Excuses not to do sports
- Funny hairstyles
- Dancers
- Relationships
- Friendships.
So, grab a nice topic for your classification essay and enjoy the result. Good luck!