Title Page Maker: Create a Cover Page Online

APA 7th ed.
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Every paper begins with a title page. The first impression of your work largely depends on it. It's not hard to see why a well-presented title is critical.

Unfortunately, it can be hard to come up with a great title page right away. And besides, many students have trouble with formatting. Would you like to make the whole process easier? You've come to the right place!

This article will tell you how to:

  • How to use the title page generator in a variety of ways.
  • What a title page really is.
  • How to make a perfect title for an essay.
  • How to create a running header.
  • How to format everything correctly.
  • MLA and APA formatting tips.
  • Answers to the most frequent questions.

Let's begin.

โ˜‘๏ธ Title Page Maker: How to Use It

An essay title page follows a specific structure. Figuring out how to do everything properly can be challenging. The good news is: our free title page generator is here to help. Check out how it works:

  1. First, choose the type of your paper.
  2. Type in the title in full. Optionally, you can add a subtitle.
  3. Then, type in your first and last name in separate fields. You can add more authors if you want.
  4. State the name of the institution where you study.
  5. Enter your course.
  6. Pick the date and check whether you want only the title page, or willing to get a template too.
  7. Hit Generate Title Page.

For a college student, these steps are enough. You can add other elements to it if necessary.

๐Ÿ†— 4 Benefits of This Title Page Maker

๐Ÿ’ต Free to use No need to pay anything
๐Ÿ”ฐ Easy like 1, 2, 3 Comprehensive prompts
๐Ÿ“ Universal Most common citation styles
๐Ÿ—’ Convenient Get a title page or a page with template

๐Ÿ‘ Title Page Creator: What Can You Do with It?

Building a title page can be a long process. All the elements should be in their places. Even capitalization rules may vary. With all the different styles, formatting often gets confusing.

Luckily, you don't need to do it manually. Our tool generates cover pages and headings in the following styles:

  1. APA 7th edition
  2. APA 6th edition
  3. MLA 9th edition
  4. Chicago 17th edition
  5. Harvard 10th edition

Once you're done, you can use the generated cover as a template for future assignments.

๐Ÿค” What is a Title Page for an Essay?

Much like a book cover, the title page is what your reader sees first. It features essential information about your work. Here is what you should always include on a cover page:

  • Your name.
  • The teacher's name.
  • Your essay title.
  • Name of the class.
  • The date.

For a perfect presentation, it's crucial to know the right formats. The APA, MLA, and Turabian publication manuals all have different requirements.

Note that not every paper needs a cover page. If you're unsure, it's always best to ask your teacher.

๐Ÿ’ก Making a Perfect Essay Title

Ideally, titles are short and catchy. But in academia, you'll often come across essays and research papers with longer titles. Don't be surprised if you end up using two lines for your heading. Check out these strategies to create a perfect title:

  1. Make it two-part. Sometimes, a short title isn't enough to represent your essay's contents. A subtitle makes it more informative.
  2. Use quotations. They are especially helpful if you're discussing a book or any other existing text.
  3. Consider your audience. Ask yourself: what would grab their attention? Thinking about your readers also helps you determine if using humor is appropriate.
  4. Write your essay first. The chances are that an idea will strike you while you're writing.

Keep these tips in mind, and your title will come out great!

๐Ÿ“ Creating an MLA Running Header

An essay's running head shows up at the top of every page. Let's see how many lines are included in a running head:

  • In MLA, it's one line that consists of your last name and the page number.
  • Professional APA style papers allow for 50 characters. These should include the title and the page number all in one line.

In all honesty, 50 characters aren't much. Here's how you shorten the title for a running head:

  • Avoid using articles (the, a, an).
  • Keep your title specific by omitting filler words. Reduce it to its core idea.
  • Abbreviate wherever it makes sense.

If you're unsure about the running heads, the generator on our website can help you.

๐Ÿ“š Essay Title Page in Different Formats

Every reference format has its peculiarities when it comes to title pages:

  • APA title pages feature your affiliation, name, course, date, and instructor. A page number should be on there as well.
  • MLA style essays don't often use cover sheets. Instead, it's more common to format the first page. Include your and your teacher's names, the course, and a date.
  • Chicago Style front pages look like APA cover sheets save for the page number and affiliation.
  • The minimalistic APSA title page only adds your name, course, and date to your title.
  • IEEE guidelines require a byline under the title. There you'll find the author's name and affiliation, their location, and an e-mail address.
  • For ACS, you should state your institution under the title.
  • AMA does without a title page. Center the title, your name, and your school above the abstract.
  • Elements for a Bluebook style title page include a header, your name, and the title. You'll also need to add the publisher, the location, and a year.
  • Harvard features the title, your name, course, instructor, university, and date.

Our software can generate APA title pages, Chicago style front pages, and much more. Try it out!

๐Ÿ“” MLA & APA Title Page Making Tips

These tips will help you format your essay appropriately:

  1. Select a standard font, such as Calibri or Arial. Avoid making it too small or large. 12 pt. is a typical size.
  2. Place the page numbers in the top right corner. Don't use punctuation.
  3. Make your text double-spaced.
  4. Margins usually measure an inch. Except for the page numbers, nothing should extend into the margins.
  5. Separate all paragraphs with indents.

We hope you can put the information in this article to good use. Good luck with all your future assignments!

โ“ Title Page Maker FAQs

๐Ÿ“ Does APA have a cover page?
APA style always requires a cover page.
  • A student's title page includes the author's name and affiliation. Add the course name, your instructor, date, and the pagination.
  • A professional cover page adds a running head and an author's note.
๐Ÿ“ How do you make a cover page for an essay?

Usually, a cover sheet includes your name, title, affiliation, course, date, and instructor's name. In most styles, the title is in the middle of the page. The rest of the information follows below.

Our cover page generator can help you create one.
๐Ÿ“ Does the title page count as page 1 in APA?
Whether your APA title page needs numbering depends on your instructor. It's common in academia to start pagination only on the second page. If you do this, include the cover sheet in the count. It's best to ask your teacher about their preferences.


๐Ÿ”— References