Recently, we have heard debates between two students. They were arguing about reflective and reflexive essays and could not decide whether these two essay types mean the same.
Do not remember what they finally came up to, but we can tell you for sure that reflective essays and reflexive essays are used interchangeably, which confuses students.
Anyway, now you do not have to think whether you have understood the task correctly, since your teacher wants you to write a reflexive essay. And we are going to discuss some basic principles of writing reflexive essays.
✏ Reflexive & Reflective Essays: Samples
- Analysis and reflection on a media piece adressing disability culture
- My experience – working in pairs
- Professional training experience: personal reflection
- Driving a car for the first time: essay example
- My life changing experience essay sample
- Interviewees’ reflections on a semi-structured phone meeting
- Free essay about art exhibition reflection
- My experience with technology
- Reflection essay on seven wonders of the world
- Reflection on study skills
- My experience with volleyball personal statement samples
- My first college experience
- An experience that changed my life
- Personal reflection paper
- Essay on my first vacation experience
- First time in church
- The happiest experience in my life
- My job experience
- Reflection about racial and cultural assimilation
- My worst high school experience
📃 The Gist of Writing Reflexive Essays
Your mission is not that complicated indeed. All you have to do is reflect on one of your experiences. It can be whatever comes to your mind, e.g.:
- A meeting with a person who affected you greatly;
- A day when you heard someone saying “I love you!” for the first time;
- A day when you felt really miserable, etc.
Do not panic if you have absolutely no ideas for your reflexive essay. In this case, students just write about their academic experiences like some experience of taking a certain course.
📝 The Main Rule when Writing a Reflexive Essay
This rule boils down to the fact that a good reflexive essay should include not only details about your experience.
Actually, the teacher will be waiting for an analysis and evaluation of your experience. So, explain what lessons you have learned from this experience and why you believe it is important.
Do you lack ideas for your reflexive essay? Our articles about essays on success and essays about yourself might be useful.