Useful Info & Study Hacks

IvyPanda’s Poem Analyzer Review

IvyPanda’s Poem Analyzer Review

Poetry is challenging to analyze. Not every student can readily decipher its hidden devices and meanings. Therefore, some help is always handy, and AI makes the analysis process way more manageable. One of the AI-powered tools explicitly meant for poem decoding is IvyPanda’s poem analyzer. Here, we review its functionality...

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AssignZen Review—The Best Free Essay Website for Students

AssignZen Review—The Best Free Essay Website for Students

Let’s imagine the situation. You are sitting in front of your laptop with a spare word document, having zero words typed and zero ideas in mind. Your essay is due in several hours. In desperate attempts to get help, you are disturbing your friends, classmates, and professors, but they are...

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5 Realistic Ways of Paying for College on Your Own

5 Realistic Ways of Paying for College on Your Own

Let’s be honest: college debt is the worst thing about college education. Paying for college is by no means easy. However, it shouldn’t stop you from getting a degree. Four years spent and tens thousands of bucks spent on your education is a reasonable investment. By the way, there are...

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