Free Rewording Tool: Paraphrase Texts Online

Are you looking for a way to refine your essays? We’ve got you covered with our free online paraphrasing tool. Ensure that your texts are original, and you’ll never be accused of plagiarism.

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This article will tell you:

  • What paraphrasing is.
  • How to rephrase professionally.
  • What you can do to avoid plagiarism.
  • Why you might want to use a paraphrasing program instead of rewording manually.

Let’s get to it!

☑️ How to Use the Paraphrasing Tool

Do you need a little help changing texts? With our online sentence rephraser, rewording your essays is a breeze. This tool makes your sentences better with just a few clicks. Check out how it works:

  1. Paste your text into the box and click Reword. You can choose to process words with a capital letter by checking the corresponding option.
  2. The software will highlight suggested replacement and replaced words in the Result field. If you click on a suggestion, you’ll see a list of possible synonyms.
  3. Choose your alternatives until your text looks the way you want it to.
  4. Once you’re satisfied, click Copy and paste the result into your document.

If you need to rewrite something else, simply repeat the steps. Don’t forget to use a plagiarism checker afterwards.

🤔 What Is Paraphrasing?

Simply put, paraphrasing is the presentation of ideas using different words. Usually, it is used to avoid plagiarism. Besides, good paraphrasing shows that you understood the source. In academic writing, rewording is a key skill for producing research papers and essays.

The core concept of paraphrasing is changing sentences with the same meaning as the original. You can achieve this by using synonyms or rearranging the word order. Last but not least, every rewritten paragraph needs a citation of its source.

💡 Paraphrasing Strategies: Rephrase Like a Pro

Now, it's time to learn how to get good at paraphrasing. We've created a short guide with the best tips for you. Read on to find out what techniques can help you master the art of paraphrasing.

🇷 The 4 Rs of Paraphrasing

With the 4 Rs method, your paraphrasing will become flawless. Additionally, you can use it as a checklist. Once you've finished rewriting your text, go over it again. Make sure you can check all of these Rs:

  • Reword using synonyms for the original words and phrases.
  • Rearrange the sentences and paragraphs.
  • Realize what words you won't be able to change.
  • Recheck that your paraphrase keeps your source’s intended meaning.

👍 Paraphrasing Tips

The way you present information varies from assignment to assignment. With these tips, you’ll always know what to do:

  1. For a perfect paraphrase, follow the steps:
    • Carefully read the source text.
    • Identify its key points.
    • Write them down without looking at the material.
    • Double-check your result.
  2. In a research paper, it’s crucial to understand when to quote and when to reword. A direct quotation is necessary in the following cases:
    • The source is phrased exceptionally well.
    • You want to prove that a renowned person shares your point.
    • You’re going to discuss the author's position.
    Summarizing is preferable if you want to focus on the idea rather than the actual wording.
  3. Are you writing a literary or poetry analysis? If you struggle to understand poetry or complex prose, try rephrasing the paragraphs. This way, you:
    • Get to know the material better.
    • Develop a personal relationship with your reading.
    • Remember the material more easily.

Lastly, you can always use paraphrase generators. They let you save time, and you don’t have to look up synonyms in a thesaurus.

☝️ Plagiarism and How to Avoid It

Presenting someone else’s work as yours, whether intentionally or unintentionally, is plagiarism. It’s a form of academic dishonesty and many universities punish it with expulsion.

Now, you may be asking yourself: how do I know what plagiarism is and what isn’t? Don’t worry—you’ll find the answers in this list:

  1. Plagiarism is:
    • Quoting without acknowledging the source text.
    • Poor paraphrasing.
    • Submitting the same text multiple times.
  2. Plagiarism is not:
    • Paraphrasing or summarizing, as long as a proper citation is included.
    • Working together on a group project authorized by your tutor.
    • Getting advice from students and librarians if you mention their assistance.
  3. How to stay clear of it:
    • Cite your sources correctly. To do it, you need to know your faculty’s formatting guidelines. If you’re uncertain, ask your teacher. Common styles are MLA, APA, Harvard, and Chicago.
    • You can also use our tools to help you out.

🖥️ Using a Paraphrasing Software vs. Rewriting Manually

If you’re wondering what the benefits of a paraphrase generator are, keep reading. We’ve talked about our free online tool. But there are also downloadable apps.

The good thing about them is that they enable you to:

  • Alter an unlimited amount of text at once.
  • Do it offline.
  • Integrate it directly into Microsoft Word.

On the flip side, fully downloadable apps are:

  • Confined to the device you use it on.
  • Costly, even though you might have a free trial.

So, why would you want to do all the work manually? There are several advantages:

  • You can make sure to keep the intended connotations of words.
  • It’s easier to switch the sentence structure around and change the grammar.
  • Reading a thesaurus is a great opportunity to expand one’s vocabulary.

The biggest drawback of paraphrasing manually is that it's time-consuming.

What is the best approach, then? Doing a little bit of both. Our professional paraphrasing tool allows you to generate alternative sentences. After using it, finish up your paper by going over generated content and polishing it. This way, you can save time. Besides, you'll ensure that the meaning stays the same.

If you were wondering how to paraphrase quickly with the best results, you’ve got the answer. We hope our generator is going to come in handy!

❓ FAQs

📍 How do you paraphrase a poem?
Paraphrasing a poem is almost the same as rewording prose. Work line by line:
  1. Make sure you clearly understand the meaning.
  2. Formulate it with your own words.
  3. You can use our tool to generate phrase synonyms.
📍 How do you copy and the text without plagiarizing?
The trick is to paraphrase. Switch around the word order and sentence structure of the original text. Find as many synonyms as you can. Don’t forget to cite your sources correctly. As long as you do this, you're don't plagiarize.
📍 How do you reword a quote?
A rewritten quote should be distinguishable from the original. At the same time, make sure that it retains its meaning. Remember that for a direct quote, you need quotation marks. If you’re rewording your source, drop them.


🔗 References